The Finance Committee acts solely in an advisory capacity to the Treasurer and Council. The
committee consists of a chairperson or two co-chairpersons, three to five committee members and
the SPNHC President, President-Elect, Treasurer and chairs of the Membership and Publications
The function of the committee is to:
1) review the annual budget prepared by the Treasurer and make recommendations as needed
before the budget is submitted for approval to the Council and then membership
2) review the financial policies of SPNHC and make recommendations to the Council as needed;
3) recommend investment strategies for Council approval, and
4) oversee the responsible investment of SPNHC funds as directed by the Council.
[Disbanded 2014 and incorporated into the Long-Range Planning Committee May 2015 as recommended by the Governance Sessional Committee Report. The committee has been reformed as of 2023]
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