Past President

Function: As stipulated in the SPNHC Bylaws:


Section 1.

Executive Officers. The executive officers shall be the President, the Past President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Managing Editor of the Society’s publications. Executive officers are required to be Regular, Honorary, or Life Members in good standing.

Section 2.

The Past President and the President-Elect shall assist the President, shall be members of Council, and shall substitute for the President when necessary.

Section 7.

Should the office of Past President become vacant, it will not be filled.


The Past President is chair of the Bylaws Committee and the Recognition & Grants Committee.

Calendar items

All specific calendar items are listed under the Leadership Manual sections for the above-listed committees.

Revised by Andrew Bentley and Laura Abraczinskas, September 2017
Revised by Jean-Marc Gagnon, July 2013
Reviewed by Judith Price, July 2013