Assistant Professor, Heritage and Museum Sciences, Texas Tech University

Published: February 19, 2022    Jobs, Research Position, Teaching

Please visit Assistant Professor 26633BR for complete job posting and application instructions.

Heritage and Museum Sciences at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas is one of the oldest and largest programs of its kind. As a master’s only graduate program, Heritage and Museum Sciences educates and trains heritage and museum professionals for a global market.

Heritage and Museum Sciences (invites applications for a full-time (9-month academic appointment) Assistant Professor position in Heritage Science who will seek outside research funding, provide excellent teaching, and engage in service to the department, university, and the community. The position begins Fall Semester 2022. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the department’s vision of being a center of excellence in advancing the heritage and museum professions through impactful research and innovative teaching. Depending on the successful candidate, the position may have a curatorial or heritage appointment in the Museum complex as well.

New tenure-track faculty members are expected to develop an active, extramurally-funded research program that contributes to the emerging field of geoheritage. The successful candidate is expected to provide rigorous research training for graduate students, teach geoheritage and related courses at the graduate level, and engage in service to the department, college, university, and profession.

Qualified applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in a closely related field to Heritage sciences and postdoctoral research experience. Candidates with demonstrated scholarly success (e.g., peer-reviewed publications) and commitment to inclusive excellence in research and teaching are encouraged to apply. Preferred qualifications include demonstrated success in obtaining extramural funding; a record of teaching at a university; and mentoring of graduate students.

Application materials consist of: 1) curriculum vitae; 2) three representative publications; 3) research statement; 4) teaching philosophy; 5) contact information of three potential referees. Applicants are welcome to indicate any COVID-19 pandemic-related constraints they have faced.

Application review began on January 18, 2022 for Fall 2022 and continues until the position is filed. Questions can be addressed to the Chair of the Search Committee Sally Shelton at, Heritage and Museum Sciences Associate Chair.

To apply for this position, please go to, select ‘Faculty’ (in red), search for the position, and follow the instructions on the listing.