Collection Forum: new platform
Published: July 22, 2020 Announcements, News
We’re pleased to announce that Collection Forum has moved to a new, advanced web platform called Meridian, hosted by Silverchair.
Published: July 22, 2020 Announcements, News
We’re pleased to announce that Collection Forum has moved to a new, advanced web platform called Meridian, hosted by Silverchair.
Published: July 9, 2020 Announcements, News
From the Society of American Archivists (UPDATED: 2020-06-24) Lisa Elkin, chief registrar and director of Conservation, American Museum of Natural History, and Christopher A. Norris, director of Public Programs, Yale Peabody Museum, are the 2020 recipients of the Preservation Publication Award given by the Society of American Archivists (SAA) for their book, Preventive Conservation: Collection…
Published: July 1, 2020 Announcements, News
The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections would like to express our solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We are listening to our friends and colleagues within the science and broader community, we will continue to listen and are committed to meaningful and sustained actions to directly address systemic racism in our…
Published: June 12, 2020 News
Drawing upon the experience of four experts who have managed some of the largest and most diverse collections in the world, Managing Natural Science Collections aims to assist in the making of strategic and operational decisions regarding care, development, access and resource management.
Published: June 11, 2020 Announcements, Meetings, News
Please join us for a symposium on “Envisioning Collections Management for the Evolving Biodiversity Data Lifecycle,” originally prepared for the SPNHC & ICOMNATHIST 2020 Conference. This event has been rescheduled from June 10 to June 23, 2020.
Published: May 18, 2020 Announcements, News
For the third year in a row, SPNHC, iDigBio (Integrated Digitized Biocollections), BLUE (Biodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Literacy), and QUBES (Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis) are excited to offer the Educational Materials Round Tables session on Thursday June 11 at 2:30pm UTC. This session offers colleagues the opportunity to present collections-based education or outreach…
Published: May 18, 2020 Announcements, Meetings, News
The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) and International Council of Museums Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History (ICOM NATHIST) are hosting a virtual digital meeting from 8-12 June, 2020. Together, we are offering an online event tailored to foster conversation across our joint worldwide communities. Activities include a plenary…
Published: May 9, 2020 Announcements, News
The online virtual meeting will use Zoom video conferencing, and it is free to register for the event. Registration is necessary so we can send you links and Zoom password to the free online meeting.
Published: April 16, 2020 Announcements, Deadlines, News
Dear SPNHC/ICOM-NATHIST membership We are pleased to announce that SPNHC and ICOM-NATHIST have decided to hold a virtual conference in lieu of the cancelled physical conference that was due to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland. We have a virtual conference organizing committee that has been set up to organize the event and planning is underway. …
Published: April 6, 2020 Announcements, News
Projections indicate that the COV-19 outbreak and stay at home orders will have a deep and lasting impact on many aspects of our lives and work. In order to document the affect of the crisis on biodiversity collections and those who use and care for them, the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the Biodiversity Collections Network…
Published: March 26, 2020 Announcements, News
Dear friends and partners of the SPNHC & ICOM NATHIST Joint Conference, It is with great disappointment that we have to inform you that due to the continuing escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conference due to take place from 7th – 13th June this year will be postponed until 5th – 11th June 2022,…
Published: January 21, 2020 Announcements, News
ISBER is excited to announce its keynotes speakers for the 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibits: Drs. Dean Ornish (Preventive Medicine Research Institute, USA) and Nicolas Forraz (CTIBiotech, France)!
Published: December 3, 2019 Announcements, Deadlines, News
Closing: February 14, 2019
We are delighted to inform you that we are now accepting abstract submissions. Submissions are invited in to many different open symposia and you can find the full list of them at
Published: December 3, 2019 Announcements, Deadlines, News
Closing: December 23, 2019
ISBER is Accepting Abstracts for the ISBER 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibits
Submission Deadline: December 23, 2019
For more information:
Published: September 27, 2019 Announcements, Deadlines, News
The deadline for submitting proposals for symposia and workshops for the SPNHC & ICOM NATHIST 2020 conference has now been extended to the 25th October 2019. However, we would still encourage people to submit proposals as soon as possible. We already have a number of symposia and workshops submitted and it will help our planning…
Published: September 20, 2019 Announcements, News
Good storage is the foundation of effective collection care-advancing conservation while promoting accessibility and use. Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage covers all types of collections, including science, fine and decorative art, history, library, archive, and digital collections. It concentrates on preventive conservation and emphasizes a risk-management approach. Reflecting the breadth of its scope, the new book…
Published: July 31, 2019 Announcements, Deadlines, News
Closing: February 1, 2020
The SPNHC Recognition and Grants Committee requests proposals for the Faber Innovation Grant, a cash grant of up to $1000, to support a project addressing issues on the management, care, conservation, or use of natural history collections. Applicants for this Grant must be SPNHC members in good standing for at least one year prior to…
Published: July 31, 2019 Announcements, News
Closing: November 15, 2019
The SPNHC Recognition and Grants Committee is inviting nominations for the following: The Carolyn L. Rose Award is our Society’s highest honor and is given to a practitioner (SPNHC membership is not required) whose work and efforts have promoted the values and objectives of the Society. Nominations should include a letter of nomination, a current curriculum…
Published: July 29, 2019 Announcements, News
Following the success of SPNHC 2019 in Chicago, we are delighted to announce that submission for Symposia and Workshops is now open for SPNHC & ICOM NATHIST in 2020.The theme for 2020 is ‘The Role of Natural History Collections in GlobalChallenges.’ The conference welcomes proposals for symposia and workshops from members of the community wishing…
Published: June 4, 2019 Member Profiles, News
Agnes Brokerhof What is your name? Agnes Brokerhof What is your position called? Senior conservation scientist Where do you work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amsterdam How many years have you been working in this capacity? 22 years (yet not all of them as ‘senior’ – once upon a time I was young) When…
Published: October 26, 2018 News
for Addressing National Challenges The results of the survey are in! This document summarizes the responses to this survey, which was active from 24 September to 5 October, 2018. These results, along with the results of earlier surveys and discussions sessions held in the biodiversity collections and information community, will inform a report on a…
Published: September 24, 2018 Announcements, News
During the past year, the Biodiversity Collections Network (BCoN – has been gathering feedback from stakeholder communities about biodiversity collections and the data derived from them. This feedback will inform a vision for how biodiversity collections and their data can realize their potential for research and education during the next decade. Through these outreach efforts we have…
Published: September 18, 2018 News
It’s not too early to start planning for our next meeting! Hosted by the Field Museum Date: May 25-31, 2019 Location: Chicago, IL, USA Theme: Making the Case for Natural History Collections Since the Field Museum last hosted the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) Annual Meeting in 1990, the value and relevance…
Published: September 14, 2018 Announcements, News
ExpiredAt the request of the National Science Foundation, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is undertaking a study on Biological Collections: Their Past, Present, and Future Contributions and Options to Maintaining Them. This study will review the contributions of biological collections, describe the major advances in their use over the last decade, and envision…
Published: September 4, 2018 Announcements, News
The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) expresses shock and sorrow at the devastation of Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro due to fire on the evening of 2 September, 2018. The largest museum in Latin America and the fifth largest museum in the world, the Museu Nacional is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year. Holdings…
Published: May 22, 2018 Announcements, News
The SPNHC recognition and Grants Committee is inviting nominations for the following: The Carolyn L. Rose Award is our Society’s highest honor and is given to a practitioner (SPNHC membership is not required) whose work and efforts have promoted the values and objectives of the Society. Nominations should include a letter of nomination, a current curriculum…
Published: May 11, 2018 Announcements, Deadlines, News
As the Local Organizing Committee for SPNHC and TDWG extended the closing date for abstract submissions, we will now extend the early bird rates for conference registration to Thursday, May 31st, 2018. We have had an extraordinary number of submissions for talks and posters with over 300 now in the mix for the conference program.…
Published: March 12, 2018 In Memoriam, News
On October 20, 2017, the SPNHC community lost a dear friend and supporter when Jean DeMouthe passed away after a long battle with cancer. For the past 44 years Jean has worked at the California Academy of Science, most of that time as the Senior Collections Manager for Geology where she managed the mineral, rock…
The deadline for abstracts has been extended for two weeks. The new deadline is: 26 March, 2018, 23:59 UTC This deadline is for all contributions to SPNHC and TDWG sessions at the joint SPNHC-TDWG annual conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. Abstracts are required for oral presentations (including those in symposia and workshops), computer demonstrations, and posters. Abstracts will be published in Biodiversity Information Science and…
Published: March 12, 2018 Announcements, Deadlines, News
The Local Organising Committee is pleased to announce that Early Bird Registration for the 2018 conference in Dunedin, New Zealand opens March 12th. PLEASE REGISTER HERE Please note that registration includes a membership fee. Be sure that your membership is up to date before registering for the conference. Membership will incur a fee of US$75…