Category: Cryogenic Collections
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Introduction 3 Contributors 4 Vial Considerations 5 Labeling and organizing vials 6 Tissue Collection Methods 7 Tissue Types 8 Tissue Preservation Methods 8.1 Freezing and Flash-freezing 8.2 Ethanol 8.3 DMSO 8.4 RNAlater 8.5 Tissue Piecing Protocol 9 Discipline Specific Information 9.1 Herpetology 9.2 Ichthyology 9.3 Mammalogy 10 References Statement of Purpose These links and documents contain information about best practices for tissue sample collection. Introduction Role of…
Contents 1 About 2 Contributors 3 Specimen Preparation Types by Collection Type 3.1 Botany 3.2 Herpetology 3.3 Ichthyology 3.4 Ornithology 4 Links 4.1 Community Standards About These links and documents contain information about best practices for the preparation of different types of natural history specimens. Contributors Content generated during The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) Annual Joint Meeting – 2016, during an…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Introduction 4 Study Skin Preparation 5 Skeleton Preparation 6 Fluid-specimen Preparation 7 Spread Wing Preparation 8 Preparation Procedure Resources 9 References Statement of Purpose These links and documents contain information about ornithology specimen preparation. Contributors Emily Braker Introduction Bird specimens are prepared in multiple formats depending on anticipated collection needs and utility. Study skins are the…
Contents 1 Contributors 2 Introduction 3 Setting the Stage: Types of Standards 4 Identifying Material Standards 4.1 Labeling Substrates 4.1.1 Paper Preservation Issues 4.1.2 Coated Paper Preservation Issues 4.1.3 Synthetic Papers Polyethylene – Tyvek® Spun-Bound Polyester 4.2 Ink and Printing Technologies 4.2.1 Manual Marking Pens Stamps Pencils 4.2.2 Printing Technologies Inkjet Printing Key Requirements Laser Printing (and Photocopiers) Key Requirements and Tests Thermal Transfer Printing 4.3 Attaching…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Introduction 4 Mounted specimens 4.1 Pressing and drying botanical specimens 4.2 Mounting botanical specimens 5 Packets 6 Dried tissue (silica or cryo) 7 References Statement of Purpose These links and documents contain information about botany specimen preparation. Contributors This material was added by Katie Pearson on behalf of the Society of Herbarium Curators Early Career Section. Introduction Botanical…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 How are the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol Connected? 4 Scope 5 The Nagoya Protocol In Brief 6 ABS Clearing-House 7 National Focal Points and Competent National Authorities 8 Access Obligations 9 Benefit-sharing Obligations 9.1 Monetary and Non-monetary Benefits 10 Compliance Obligations 11 Monitoring User Compliance 12 Guidance for Compliance: Codes of Conduct, Guidelines and Best Practice…