Category: Legislation and Regulations
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 USFWS Federal Migratory Bird Special Purpose Salvage Permits 4 Resources Statement of Purpose This page is for information on USFWS Federal Migratory Bird Special Purpose Salvage Permits. See also Permitting. Contributors Emily Braker USFWS Federal Migratory Bird Special Purpose Salvage Permits Federal Migratory Bird Special Purpose Salvage Permits are administered by the Department…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Scientific Collecting Licenses 4 Resources Statement of Purpose This page is for information Scientific Collecting licenses for lethal take of wildlife, including plants. See also See also Permitting. Contributors Emily Braker Scientific Collecting Licenses Scientific Collecting Licenses authorize the lethal collection of wildlife, generally for purposes of survey, inventory, or targeted scientific research.…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Salvage Permits 4 Resources Statement of Purpose This page is for information on US state-issued Salvage Permits. See also Permitting. Contributors Emily Braker Salvage Permits Salvage Permits are a type of Scientific Collecting License that authorize collecting of dead animals and their parts (skulls, feathers, etc.) for scientific research and educational purposes. These…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Introduction 4 Permitting Checklist for Researchers 4.1 When Preparing for a Collection Trip 4.2 While on a Collection Trip 4.3 After the Conclusion of a Collecting Trip 5 Tracking Permits Associated with Specimens 6 Categories of Legal/Compliance Documentation 6.1 Access and Benefit-Sharing Agreement 6.2 Authorization to Possess 6.3 Collecting Permit 6.4 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Introduction 3 Contributors 4 Loan Protocols 4.1 Outgoing Loans 4.2 Incoming Loans (Borrows) 4.3 Internal Loans 4.4 Tracking loans 5 Community Standards Statement of Purpose These links and documents contain information about best practices for loaning natural history collections between and within institutions. Introduction An institution typically lends and borrows collection items for the purpose of research/study,…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributor 3 Introduction 4 Code of Conduct for Paleontological Collectors 5 Additional Resources Statement of Purpose This document is being created as a guideline for all field collections involving paleontology as a list of do’s and don’ts when you are on someone else’s land. Contributor Jacob Bridy Introduction While cultivating a friendly working relationship…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Introduction 4 Budget and Funding 5 Long-term storage of specimens 6 Logistics 7 Scientific Supplies and Equipment 7.1 Chemical Agents 7.2 General Supplies for Documentation 7.3 Measuring and monitoring equipment 7.4 Specimen Collection Equipment 7.5 Specimen Fixation Supplies 7.6 Shipping materials 7.7 Sterilization Equipment 8 Camping Equipment 9 First Aid 9.1 Medications 9.2 General First Aid 10 Links 11 References Statement of Purpose These links and documents…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Introduction 4 Budget and Funding 5 Long-term storage of specimens 6 Logistics 7 Scientific Supplies and Equipment 7.1 Chemical Agents 7.2 General Supplies for Documentation 7.3 Measuring and monitoring equipment 7.4 Specimen Collection Equipment 7.5 Specimen Fixation Supplies 7.6 Shipping materials 7.7 Sterilization Equipment 8 Camping Equipment 9 First Aid 9.1 Medications 9.2 General First Aid 10 Links 11 References Statement of Purpose These links and documents…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Introduction 3.1 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) 4 General Recommendations for Processing Specimens 5 General Methods 6 Ichthyology Specific Methods 7 Herpetology Specific Methods 7.1 Amphibians 7.2 Amphibians and Fish: Larvae and Embryos 7.3 Reptiles 8 References Statement of Purpose These links and documents contain information about best practices for euthanasia. Contributors Breda Zimkus and Dirk Neumann. Some…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 How are the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol Connected? 4 Scope 5 The Nagoya Protocol In Brief 6 ABS Clearing-House 7 National Focal Points and Competent National Authorities 8 Access Obligations 9 Benefit-sharing Obligations 9.1 Monetary and Non-monetary Benefits 10 Compliance Obligations 11 Monitoring User Compliance 12 Guidance for Compliance: Codes of Conduct, Guidelines and Best Practice…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Introduction 3 Accession procedure 4 Deed of Transfer 5 Example Repository Agreement Policy 6 Legal definitions 7 KU acquisition documents 8 Contributors 9 Source material 10 References Statement of Purpose These links and documents contain information about best practices for acquiring and accessioning specimens into natural history collections. Acquisition is a transaction and the legal process for transfer of…
Contents 1 Statement of Purpose 2 Contributors 3 Introduction 4 Myanmar Amber Statement of Purpose Contributors Christina Byrd Introduction Myanmar Amber The following guidelines and resources were developed by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) Myanmar Advisory Working Group. These guidelines were developed with input from relevant experts and stakeholders. It is the hope of SVP that these resources…