As the Local Organizing Committee for SPNHC and TDWG extended the closing date for abstract submissions, we will now extend the early bird rates for conference registration to Thursday, May 31st, 2018.
We have had an extraordinary number of submissions for talks and posters with over 300 now in the mix for the conference program. We have also confirmed keynote speakers and a number of workshops are planned for the weekend before the conference. As yet we have had few requests for Special Interest Group meetings however, so do please get in touch with the Local Organizing Committee if you want to arrange a meeting.
Information on keynote speakers, workshops, field trips and events will be posted to the conference website next Wednesday, May 16th. We will also be posting a provisional program however please bear in mind that this may be subject to minor changes and will not be finalized until June.
See you in Dunedin
Robert Morris, Local Organizing Committee Chair
Shelley James, TDWG Program Co-Chair