SPNHC Virtual Educational Materials Share Session – Call for Presenters

Published: May 18, 2020    Announcements, News


For the third year in a row, SPNHC, iDigBio (Integrated Digitized Biocollections), BLUE (Biodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Literacy), and QUBES (Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis) are excited to offer the Educational Materials Round Tables session on Thursday June 11 at 2:30pm UTC.

This session offers colleagues the opportunity to present collections-based education or outreach materials, to provide feedback as potential adopters, and to build collaborations between their different institutions. Materials at any stage of development from fledgling ideas to fully vetted activities take the center stage for discussion. We welcome all conference attendees to participate either as content presenters or reviewers. The Educational Materials Round Table concept evolved from the successful model created by Teresa Mourad from the Ecological Society of America.

This year we will be doing things a little bit differently in order to optimize the virtual setting. The format this year is a 2 hour Zoom session. In order to fit in all of our presenters we will most likely be utilizing Zoom breakout rooms. Each presenter will be assigned to a breakout room for a designated amount of time to discuss their materials with participants. When not presenting, participants will be able and encouraged to give feedback in other sections. We will also be posting all materials ahead of time through SPNHC and QUBESHub. This will enable participants to choose which sessions they want to attend, and help them be more prepared to give presenters more valuable feedback.

Current submissions can be found here: https://spnhc.org/share-fair/

If you would like to be a presenter, please fill out the form here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxHhuAm_bVuEudCg_Kq6KQpmtn6xez5i6teG_IvdBT03C_Kw/viewform

You must be registered for the full SPNHC meeting in order to present or attend this session. Registration is free of charge, but we recommend that you consider becoming a SPNHC member

Meeting registration is here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spnhc-icom-nathist-2020-virtual-conference-tickets-103678569392

Meeting program is here https://spnhc.org/virtual-meeting-2020-program/

Become a member here https://spnhc.org//get-involved/become-a-member/join-now/