Sessional Committee on International Relations

To investigate and develop the International ambitions of the society.

Leadership and Composition
The committee is chaired by one person. Members include two SPNHC members with input from external contributors and other SPNHC members as necessary.

The committee will explore the means and set-up to involve more international members to advise and council SPNHC on how to access, involve, and integrate more international collection professionals and the collection issues that they face.

Activities identified for the sessional committee include the following:

Short term

  • Examine the need for a Standing International Relations Committee
  • Consider how to implement SPNHC nodes in various parts of the world
  • Build international partnerships with other organizations
  • Consider other models for international organizations, e.g. ICOM to produce a plan for international outreach
  • Assess demand for resources in languages other than English

Medium term

  • Explore the potential and or need for regional meetings at all levels (nationally, internationally)
  • Maintain and develop international partnerships with other organizations
  • Work with the membership committee to record and report on fluctuations in the geographical distribution of SPNHC members

Calendar items
February: Submit report for Spring Newsletter, as deemed necessary
May or June: Present report on findings at annual meeting
August: Submit report for Fall Newsletter, as deemed necessary
31 August: Submit any corrections or text revisions for the Leadership Manual to the SPNHC Secretary
September: Transfer important records and items of committee business to the Archives Committee

Reviewed by Andrew Bentley and Laura Abraczinskas, December 2017
Submitted by Suzanne Ryder, November 2017