Society Representative/Liaison

The Society Representative/Liaison positions are members appointed by the President to represent SPNHC’s interests to like-minded societies and vice versa.

Function: As stipulated in the SPNHC Bylaws:


Section 1.

Annual Business Meeting. The Society membership shall meet annually or at such place and time as the Council shall resolve. A Council Meeting of officers, committee chairs, society representatives and Members-at-large, and a Business Meeting of the general membership, shall be held during the annual meeting of the general membership. The general membership can request that Council call special meetings of the Society by submitting a written requisition signed by at least 20% of the voting members.


The Representative/Liaison should promote and convey SPNHC’s activities, achievements and relevant SPNHC business to the liaised society. The person should also inform SPNHC of the liaised society’s activities and news items that are relevant to SPNHC. In addition, the Representative/Liaison may be asked to perform certain tasks or convey certain information to their liaised society as assigned by the President.

The Representative/Liaison will be expected to communicate with the membership via the SPNHC newsletter by writing a brief report on the relevant activities and news from the liaised society.

For the annual SPNHC conference, the Representative/Liaison will write up a summary to be included in the ABM (Annual Business Meeting) report and represent the liaised society at the Council Meeting.

Calendar items

1 February: report to Newsletter
April: prepares report on activities for Annual Meeting
May/July: attends the Annual meeting
1 August: report to Newsletter

Reviewed by Andrew Bentley and Laura Abraczinskas, March 2018 Prepared by Linda S. Ford, March 2018